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Is this really Leonardo DiCaprio dad-dancing at Coachella?

We’re getting to the bottom of it, once and for all.

IMAGINE YOU WERE Leonardo DiCaprio.

Imagine you went to Coachella, a Californian music festival frequented by celebs and VIPs.

Now imagine you can’t dance. At all. Would you dance? Would you dance like this?


No. No you wouldn’t.

So why is a video of ‘DiCaprio’ jumping around to MGMT going viral today? Surely it can’t be him.

We’ve decided to get to the bottom of it through an intense scientific evaluation.

For starters, was Leo even there?

Yes, yes he was. And he was dressed like this.

leocoachella6 Source: stephanielovesu Instagram

Was there an awestruck fan nearby?

YES, very awestruck.


Are there many young models in the vicinity?

No. Highly unusual, but not unheard of.


Is he wearing a flat cap?



All signs point to YES. You dance Leo, dance like no one is watching.

Source: Таша Волк/YouTube

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