Dublin: 10 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

Only in Cork would this letter get delivered to the right house

Well done to the person who got this to the right door.

WE’VE SEEN SOME serious feats from Irish postmen when it comes to delivering a letter in the schticks.

Remember this one?

And this?

Well, hats off to this postman in Cork, who managed to deliver this letter to Angie Sands in Clonakilty, knowing nothing but the fact that she’s in the Rossmore direction and has a little dog. Oh, she’s also lovely, if that helps.

Only in Ireland would a letter with an address like this reach the right person... #onlyinireland #ilovewestcork #everyoneknowseveryone Source: littleboyd88

Angie Lovely Sands, Rossmore direction in a little house near, Clonakilty, has a little dog, West Cork, Eire.

Rosie Sands posted a photo of the envelope to Instagram to express her disbelief that it actually arrived safe, and all we can say is… kudos.

The Irish postal service are miracle workers.

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