SOMETIMES JUST SAYING you’re hungover is not enough.
You have to quantify the hangover in relation to something else. And these people know where they stand:
1. Waking up to this
2. The spicebag level hangover
3. The forgetting how to speak English hangover
4. Refusing to do menial tasks
5. When you may as well be this bear
6. The fragility levels on show here at close to maximum
7. When patience is not your friend
8. The Evita hangover
8. With a backing track of this
9. The questioning your own levels of mortality hangover
10. The “can’t look in the mirror” hangover
11. The breadpigeon hangover
12. The hangover of the infinite scroll
13. When the breakfast is conspiring against you hangover
14. The “alarm going off” hangover
15. The head-melting on a radiator level of hangover
A classic.