VARIOUS SCAM PHONE calls have been sweeping the nation in the past 24 hours – predominantly from West African country Liberia.
Comreg has advised people to hang up immediately and to *not* call back the unknown numbers.
Given this has been a shared annoyance/experience for Irish people today, we’ve had to get through it together:
1. Maybe someone just wants to talk to an Irish person?
2. Let’s take a moment to think of all Irish people on holiday there
3. In the circumstances, sarcasm usually works best
4. Get your bass out, you’re now a member of the Commodores
5. Apologies to all our friends in Chad and Liberia today, we won’t be answering your calls
6. It’s a geography lesson for us all
7. A reboot of a classic scam, perhaps
8. We are all Moe today
9. For those who didn’t get one, count yourself lucky (but also left out of the craic)
10. Future President Weah needs YOU
11. Chad sounds like an American footballer player from a ’90s romcom trying to get through to you
Stay vigilant, and reject all weird phone numbers for the foreseeable future.
Be grand.