Dublin: 8 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

10 lies Irish people tell themselves on a midweek night out

Sure go for the one…

SO YOU’RE GOING out, on a school night. Bold.

Just try to recognise these lies you may tell yourself.

1. I won’t go out

Why are you out then, eh?


2. I’ll go for one

Never, in the history of the universe, has an Irish person gone for one and had just the one.

Nine pints of Guinness Source: John Picken

3. I can’t go before my round

You totally could, these people owe you at least 10 drinks from nights gone by.

Pint? Source: odetothebigsea

4. They’ll pay me back

Sure. Sure…

shut-up-and-take-my-money-anime-version_o_646840 Source: Upi

5. I’ll get the last bus

You’ll be closer to getting the first bus in the morning than the last one tonight, don’t cod yourself.

Sign of the times... Source: dmountain.com

6. Ah sure tomorrow won’t be too bad

Tomorrow will now most likely be the most stressful day you’ve ever had in work. Enjoy it with that hangover, breathe it in.


7. I’m not even drunk

Your dodgy solo dancing in the middle of a midweek empty dancefloor begs to differ.


8. I’ve made a commitment now, I might as well stay

LEAVE. For the love of God, GO.

worknightoutguilt-630x440 Source: Shutterstock

9. I’m just going to the loo

You’re legging it home, don’t lie. About time.


10. This kebab will make me feel better in the morning

No it won’t. It may provide some soakage, but you really don’t need those cheese chips on the side.

210 Source: Wordpress

12 stages of a midweek night out, as told through emojis>

9 guilt-ridden stages of a mid-week night out>

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