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12 life philosophies for 2014 beautifully illustrated by awful tattoos

Nolege is power, guys.

IT’S ALMOST THE New Year, a time for taking stock, setting goals, and getting yourself in the right frame of mind to achieve whatever it is you want over the next twelve months.

If you’re struggling with these decisions, worry not, for we are here with some philosophies for life which may help you as you move into 2014, beautifully illustrated by some rubbish tattoos.

1.  Live for the moment, guys.

thendie Source: 11 Points

2.  Don’t let your stupid past hinder you!

today Source: Twitter/ShitTats

3.  Regret nothing, hun!

side-misspelled-tattoo Source: Slodive

4.  Perseverence is key, babes.

never Source: The Richest

5.  Don’t let a little hiccup stop you!

lifegoson Source: Epic Fail

6.  Be thankful for what you have, ok?

stopbeen Source: Fail Blog

7.  Dream big, fight hard and you can totes conquer anything!

tumblr_mhw4weVVIK1s5ur8go1_500 Source: Misspelled Tattoos

8.  Knowledge is power, bro.

Capture Source: Twitter/ShitTats

9.  What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!

whatdontkillya Source: Misspelled Tattoos

10.  Don’t be afraid to get deep.


11.  Em… maybe don’t follow this one…

dead Source: Monroe Talks

2014 is going to be your year!

Inspired by this tweet from @realsharhorgan.

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