EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt – from the top to the very bottom.
Lily Allen has made a pointed statement in response to media speculation about her marriage. There have been a slew of reports this week raising the possibility that Allen’s relationship with Sam Cooper could be in trouble, after she was spotted without her wedding ring.
This morning, the singer posted this on Instagram:
Reese Witherspoon dances like your drunk friends at a wedding. She was filmed at a party in Capri throwing shapes to I Will Survive, and it’s literally like your mates at 12.30am just before they bring out the cocktail sausages and triangle sandwiches.
Frankly we’re not sure whether to respect this or mock it. Respect?
Taylor Swift has given perhaps her finest ever performance. She turned up on Jimmy Fallon’s EW – already perhaps the pinnacle of 21st-century television – playing a nerdy 13-year-old with a Band-Aid collection. Frankly we suspect this may be the true Taylor Swift, and she’s been putting us on about the rest.
Anyway, it’s wonderful. Enjoy!
And the rest of the day’s dirt…
- Nadine Coyle has been pictured with her baby for the first time. She’s a CUTIE. (Yahoo)
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt says he’s a feminist, absolutely. (Time)
- Michelle Rodriguez REALLY wants to free the nipple. (Mail Online)
- Harry Styles accidentally entered a wet t-shirt contest. (Buzzfeed)
- Talulah Willis has entered rehab, apparently at the insistence of her parents. (Mail Online)