YESTERDAY SAW THE city of Limerick launch its bid to become European Capital of Culture in 2020 – and good luck to them.
Speaking at the launch, as the Irish Examiner reports, Blindboy Boatclub of The Rubberbandits said a wonderful thing:
there’s a very soothing monotone to the Limerick accent that people take into their hearts.
We couldn’t agree more. So, here are some words that just sound better when spoken by someone from Limerick:
1. Kid
As in “alright, kid.” Beautiful.
2. Maggot
As in “acting the…” Never sounds better than with a Limerick brogue.
3. Pure
The elongated Limerick version of pure gives emphasis and emotion to an otherwise mundane word.
4. Gawkin’
“What are ya gawkin’ at?” is a local tradition. Years of Limerick practice makes it the authoritive style around the country.
5. Horse
This pronunciation made it big with The Bandit’s Horse Outside. Now, we can’t think of a better way to say it.
6. Balls
“I am in me balls” has never sounded more poetic than from the lips of a Limerick native.
7. Boy
Limerick has plenty of competition in Ireland for dibs on this word, but they just shade it because they incorporate it into “aboy the kid” with ease.
8. Bollix
Again, a nationwide phenomenon, but never said better than down in Limerick.
9. Donkey
As in Donkey Ford’s. Years of loving that chipper gives Limerick folk an ownership of the word Donkey that will never be taken away.
10. Gowl
“Ah, you’re some gowl” will never be bettered.
We love the Limerick accent.