Your teacher announces that a special guest is visiting your school and you immediately think that she’s referring to Beyoncé, only to find that she actually means Barack Obama.
According to the New York Daily News, President Obama was visiting a school in Northeast Washington to participate in a 9/11 service project.
There, he was placed next to Madison, a sixth grader who gleefully informed the President that when she learned a special guest was coming, she thought it would “be Beyoncé”.
I really wanted it to be, but then I realised it was gonna be you.
Barack Obama took the whole thing in his stride and said, “Malia and Sasha would feel the same way,” referring to his teenage daughters.
Michelle Obama then weighed in with this flawless contribution.
I’d rather see Beyoncé.
We feel you, girl.
Madison then backtracked and said that having Obama there was “even better” than Beyoncé.
Good save.