Dublin: 10 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

11 things everyone who lives with a cold person will understand

It’s all tea this, draught that.

IT’S A TOUGH life.

1. There’s barely any room for you on the sofa because it looks like this

pile-of-blankets-png_878710_ver1.0 Source: Clickondetroit

2. The house is like a sauna when you get home

Oh, the heat? It’s only been on ALL DAY.

hudson-blankets_0056b Source: owyheestar

3. They’re constantly trying to warm their icy feet on you

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4. They say this one phrase over and over again

“It’s freeezing”.



5. Do you feel that draught?

NO, NO YOU DON’T. But you’ll get up and check all the windows and doors to please them.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Source: Post-carbon-living

6. They never have enough clothes on them

So you’ve to give up your scarf, hat, gloves, coat, to keep them happy.

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7. You make tea like it’s going out of fashion

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8. Bed is a constant battle for the duvet

That you lose.

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9. Combining a hot water bottle and an electric blanket, you may just perspire to death

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10. You’ve often caught them doing nothing but sitting against the radiator

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11. And trying to get them up in the morning is a task you don’t take lightly

cat-sleeping-under-blankets Source: 1000awesomethings


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