1. A procession of local first aid responders
It’s your turn to shine Order of Malta!
2. A farmyard animal wearing an outfit/dyed green
Usually a goat.
3. Several flatbed truck belonging to local businesses
They’ll be gussied up with bunting and a herd of Irish dancing seven year olds or a céilí band.
4. An abundance of hay bales
Sure what else are you going to put into the flatbed truck?
5. Several floats relating to the ‘in’ gag of the moment
Last year in Kilfenora for example it was horsemeat and The Gathering gags as far as the eye could see.
6. A local man dressed as St Patrick
Beard repurposed from the community group’s Santa Claus outfit.
7. A representative vehicle from the local branch of civil defence
Flanked by a few members, of course.
8. Scouts looking cold
They’re scouts. Why are they never wearing coats?
9. The local fire service
Poised and ready to flee the second an emergency arises.
10. A hint about the drama society’s upcoming production
Innovative use of a tractor in Ballyconnell in 2012:
11. Tractors as far as the eye can see
It’s their one day to shine.
12. At least one vintage car
Trundling along, holding the whole show up.