IT WAS A Twitter hashtag for the ages. #LondonPoo was trending in Ireland last night, as an unprecedented horror unfolded in front of our eyes.
Up sh*t creek
It all started at about 8.30pm last night when a water main burst in Kennington, central London. Sewage flooded the streets in a scene plucked straight from the nation’s nightmares.
Telegraph journalist Lewis Whyld was on hand (trapped on an island with a surrounding poo-moat) to document the drama unfolding.
Yep, definitely sewage.
Needing a uniform way to collect eye-witness reports, Whyld founded a hashtag, #LondonPoo, the hashtag you see before you today.
Firefighters arrived to fight the flowing crap and rescue our hero from an island with a poo moat.
Luckily, Londoners had a sense of humour about it all
Presumably none of these gas tickets live in the poo swamped vicinity
But is it REALLY poo?
Well, that’s debatable. Thames Water was quick to attribute the muddy brown colour to… well, mud.
Last night a pipe carrying clean drinking water burst, leading to flooding on Clapham Road. The burst caused soil under the road to move and this is what makes the water look brown. It is not sewage. Our engineers have been working through the night and will continue to focus all efforts on getting the area back to normal.
Still, not ideal.