Dublin: 10 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

Hold on a minute Google... has Love/Hate's Siobhan been recast?

Oh. There’s more than one Charlie Murphy.

WE ARE SO excited about the new series of Love Hate. What’s the deal with it anyway, any news?

Let’s see.


Wait a minute. Can it be possible?

Have they recast Siobhan?


Ah, poor Siobhan. Like she hasn’t be through enough already.

Worry not, Google have just confused actress Charlie Murphy

Love/Hate Source: RTÉ

For comedian (and brother of Eddie) Charlie Murphy

9e7b4b40ce499b138ce7bc885e3e4ace Source: Charlie Murphy

Easy mistake to make, we’ll allow it.

We love a good Wikipedia confusion, we do.

ht Philawesomeraptor via Reddit

Someone added Japanese-style animation to the Love/Hate finale, and it suddenly makes sense>

Here’s what will happen in Love/Hate season 5*>

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