OK, HUMANITY. It’s time to talk about selfies.
They’ve gone too far and they need to stop.
14. Selfies are distracting humans from essential life tasks, like drinking water
13. We’re taking selfies with riot police
12. And using our laptops to take selfies in university lectures
11. This Aussie Rules footballer used a special extendable arm to take a selfie, while driving a car with his knees
10. We are even taking selfies with nana’s ashes.
9. Geraldo Rivera has taken a half naked selfie. Geraldo Rivera.
8. Still not convinced? How about this girl taking a selfie while her family are ALREADY TAKING PICTURES OF HER?
7. Or this guy’s terrified selfie while running with the bulls in Pamplona?
6. OK. This has to end.
5. This selfie during an emergency landing?
4. This selfie getting pulled over by the police?
3. This guy’s selfie with his teacher having contractions in the background?
2. This selfie in the bathroom of a funeral home?
1. And finally, this selfie with a PLANE CRASH.
(Nobody was hurt, but still.)