Dublin: 3 °C Tuesday 4 March, 2025

Macklemore was knocking around Grafton Street yesterday and documented it on Snapchat

He is among us.

Glasgow. Fantastic night. Cheers my people Source: macklemore

MACKLEMORE AND RYAN Lewis are in Ireland to perform four concerts — three in Dublin’s 3Arena and one in Belfast’s SSE Arena.

Yesterday, the duo wandered around Dublin and Snapchatted their whole adventure.

First of all, it would appear that they are staying in a very small apartment.

Single beds for everyone!

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Then they popped out to admire our city’s top-class doughnut offering

Looks an awful lot like the popcorn doughnuts from Revolution Bakery, no? Or perhaps it’s Aungier Danger? Damn it, Macklemore, tell us.

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They did a spot of shoe-shopping…

And slagged these Crocs.

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They got nostalgic about old Nokia 3210s

While visiting what resembled an exhibition of old phones, but was probably just a phone shop.

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They got down with the city’s buskers

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And Macklemore had a little bop with his baby on Grafton Street

While some pretty jaunty buskers got going behind him.

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You can follow the pair on mackandryan on Snapchat — no doubt they’ll be posting more over the coming days.

(h/t Hotspots)

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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