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Someone has taken over the Macra na Feirme Facebook page tonight and it's gas

WHAT is happening.

macracover Source: Macra Facebook

Updated: 13.16, December 23

THERE’S SOMETHING STRANGE going down on the Macra na Feirme Facebook page tonight.

The voluntary rural youth group usually posts about Land Festivals and various wholesome activities around the country.

But tonight, comedian and writer for Waterford Whispers Gerry McBride noticed a slight change in tone:

It looks like whoever’s running the page has been accidentally posting up private mails all evening – or the page has been hacked by a prankster who tells the tale of a dramatic love triangle.

Let’s investigate:

A quick look on the page itself shows a litany of messages posted as statuses to a “Laura”

macra Source: Macra Facebook

The anonymous poster keeps talking about a Macra dance supposedly on tonight… and the drama only intensifies

macra2 Source: Macra Facebook

macra3 Source: Macra Facebook


The plot thickens.

The posts continue – with more mention of the dance, a disputed Nathan Carter CD and a “nice shirt”


There seemed to be another mysterious incident with Laura’s dad as well

macracover2 Source: Macra Facebook

And finally… whoever is posting seemed to acknowledge that they are well aware that these are public declarations

macracover3 Source: Macra Facebook

DailyEdge.ie has contacted the Macra Facebook page to find out:

  • if it’s just a prankster taking the piss (it definitely is)
  • whether Laura and this lad (?) will get back together
  • what really happened to the Nathan Carter CD
  • if we can get our hands on photographic evidence of the “nice shirt”

Update: Macra has released a statement to DailyEdge.ie – and last night’s stunt was to raise awareness of the hundreds of accidents on Irish farms every year… caused by carelessness:

socialmedia Source: Macra na Feirme

So now. Mystery solved.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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