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Which Mad Men Character Should You Ride?

It’s all coming to an end, you need to honour these characters properly.


1. Pick a drink to have before/during your meeting...
2. Is an office romance ever a possibility?
Yes, I suppose it is
No, never
3. Now, pick a client you really want to work with...
Lucky Strike cigarettes

Avon cosmetics

Burger Chef
4. You're on a midweek date, what time will you be home at?

5. How do you relax after a long day's slog?
Read a book
Have a nice smoke

Have some hard liquor
A lovely walk

Go for a drive
Cocktails. Many cocktails.
6. You're awfully hungover and late for work. How do you play it?
Walk in like nothing has happened
Pull a sickie

Soldier on in and apologise
Recklessly sleep through it all
7. Pick a 60s band that you could see yourself in...
The Who
The Supremes

The Beatles
The Shangri Las
8. You would describe your shifting technique as...

9. And finally... pick a 60s shirt to wear about the office...
Answer all the questions to see your result!
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You should ride Pete
Congratulations. Pete Campbell might be seen as stuffy and a little bit uncool, but you always see the best in him. If you worked in Sterling Cooper, a romance would definitely blossom.
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You should ride Betty
Since Mad Men has been on the air, Betty has confused and confounded everyone. If you worked at Sterling Cooper and got a chance to meet her, you would definitely chance your arm with a bit of flirting.
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You should ride Don
You always loved the troubled alpha male with a dark past. You'll have to put up with the constant stench of whiskey and smokes, but it's probably worth it.
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You should ride Roger
Loud, crude, but ultimately a nice guy at heart. The only downside is you'll have to listen to him read his autobiography to you afterwards.
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You should ride Joan
Sultry and sassy, Joan owns every conversation and room that she's in. You would be mad not to have an illicit office affair with her.
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You should ride Peggy
She's talented, ambitious and nearly always gets what she wants. That's why you're drawn to her - your ultimate Mad Men ride.
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About the author:

David Elkin

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