Dublin: 11 °C Thursday 6 March, 2025

What Percent Mam Are You?

How many carrier bags do you own?

Source: The Walshes/RTE

1. Firstly, how are contacts mostly saved in your phone?

3. Roughly how many carrier bags are in your home carrier bag stash?
Er, I think there are a few lying around.
Loads, all stuffed into one carrier bag.

Loads, divided into regular bags and 'good' bags.
I always carry my own reusable shopping bag.
4. You're leaving the house. Do you bring a jacket?
Ah no it looks grand out
Might just bring a light one

Are you joking? I always bring a jacket
5. Which of these do you fear most?
Unknown numbers
Speed cameras

Kids arriving to the door with sponsorship forms
6. How many supermarket loyalty cards do you have?

Three or more
7. Someone mentions that it's a bit chilly in the house. What do you do?
Nothing. It's ALWAYS chilly in the house
Stick the heating on, just for an hour though

Tell them to put on a jumper
Ask if they're coming down with something
8. Which of these handy phrases did you use most recently?
No recession there!
Who's she? The cat's mother?

You won't feel the benefit
Isn't it well for some?
9. Pick an album to listen to right now.

10. And finally, where would you rather go for a coffee?
Coffee shop
Garden centre
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
You are 100% Mam!
Nobody ever leaves your house hungry - in fact, you send people home with bags of leftovers. You keep all your card receipts. And you NEVER leave home without a jacket.
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You scored out of !
You are 84% Mam!
You enjoy delivering news about dead people, and may sign off texts with your name. But you haven't quite reached your full Mam potential just yet. Keep going!
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You scored out of !
You are 23% Mam!
You have been known to enjoy the Lidl 'weekly bargains' aisle, but that's about it. You probably leave home without a jacket willy-nilly.
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You scored out of !
You are 0% Mam!
To be honest it's a wonder you haven't caught your death, going out like that.
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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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