Dublin: 10 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

'Wine in a can' for men exists, and no one is particularly impressed

Because apparently, men don’t like drinking out of wine glasses. Who knew?

IS YOUR MASCULINITY threatened by wine glasses? Fear no more. Wine in a can for men is now a thing.

Thought up by a guy who lives in an old firehouse, walks to work with his dog, has two bikes and a trike, and wanted to move beyond stemware. At ManCan we believe wine is for drinking, not pairing, and our ‘notes’ are more rock than classical.

eiplbc Source: Photobucket

ManCan was dreamed up by Californian man Graham Veysey after he encountered this conundrum while drinking with a friend:

Graham wished he could order wine, but didn’t want a ‘sauvignon blanc’ or ‘pinot’ in stemware when his friend had a can of beer. He bought ManCanWine.com that night.

A picture of a ManCan can is going viral on Twitter today, and reaction has been swift and merciless – mostly from men who are relieved that they can finally be seen drinking wine.

Source: MANCAN WINE/YouTube

For Graham and any other men who might be scared of wine glasses (though we doubt there are too many of those), humanity has a message for you: Order a glass of wine if you want! Drink it in stemware! Life’s far too short.

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