MARK HAMILL HAS long been recognised as one of the nicest men in show business.
From his delightful social media presence to his penchant for surprising fans, he seems to get a genuine kick out of his role in one of the biggest film franchises of all time.
Screenwriter Ed Solomon (who created the Bill & Ted and Men In Black films) shared a bittersweet story of a good deed Hamill once did for a friend of his.
“When a friend’s son (who was, so tragically, dying from an incurable illness) made a wish to meet Luke Skywalker, it fell on me – the only person the dad knew who worked in the film business – to make a call,” he tweeted.
Not knowing Mark, I called his agent and explained that this lovely boy watched Star Wars every day and wanted to meet NOT Mark Hamill, but rather, the actual character that he played.
The agent said he’d contact Mark, but not to get any hopes up – but the actor called Solomon ’90 seconds later’ to say that he would do it.
He not only met with the boy, but spent hours answering question after question (sometimes the same ones repeatedly) AS Luke. Even posting this now makes me teary. He was compassionate, kind, and patient. It literally meant the world to this kid and his family.
Hamill also tried to set up a meeting between the child and Carrie Fisher, but his condition deteriorated to such an extent that it couldn’t happen.
Solomon said that he shared the story because he felt “overwhelmed” by the constant stream of horrible revelations about heroes of the entertainment industry:
“There’s no sweeter sound than a child laughing,” tweeted Hamill in response to the story. “I feel it’s my duty to give back in any way I can. Much prefer visits to hospitals than talk shows.”
A true gent. <3