Dublin: -3 °C Saturday 15 March, 2025

'Marriage equality bingo' is the genius game we've all been waiting for


AS THE MARRIAGE referendum inches ever closer, more and more time is being afforded to debate on the issue.

As with all political debate, the points made can start to feel a little familiar after a while and you start to wonder yourself, “Hmm, where have I heard that before?”

With that in mind, we’d like to introduce Marriage Equality Bingo.

bingo Source: Equality Bingo

The tongue-in-cheek game was masterminded by developer Cormac Flynn and can be played during all forthcoming same sex marriage debates.

The rules are simple: each square represents an argument typically brought up by the ‘No’ side in debates. Whenever you hear one of the arguments, circle it and once you achieve a full line, it’s bingo!

Now you just need a bingo caller to say “Christian Florist” and you’re away.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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