IN THE YEAR of Boaty McBoatface, any company that consults the public on naming a product is taking a serious risk.
As McDonald’s in New Zealand just found out. Their campaign to “Create Your Taste” allowed users to design and name their burger online.
So people inevitably took the piss
And every single gas/offensive name you could think of was chosen and submitted
The debacle was covered overnight by Dorkly, and the internet thinks it’s absolutely gas.
The pranking got so popular that the website where people can name their burgers has been taken down.
This is why we can’t have nice things
As Dorkly reports, by Thursday morning New Zealand time the whole thing had spiralled out of control people were posting the most offensive burgers imaginable.
But what people really love is the simple, effective gags like…
And the people who make it memetacular
It took over New Zealand Twitter for some time
The most obvious and common observation was: “how did they not see this coming?”
There has been no evidence yet that Burger McBurgerface was submitted. For shame.