DESPITE REPORTS THAT Kat and Alfie’s Redwater lost two million viewers in the UK last week, we still can’t get enough of the brooding, ominous EastEnders spin-off when it airs on Sunday night on RTÉ One.
And last night’s episode ticked all the dramatic boxes:
But – and spoilers ahead – one aspect of the plot was leapt on by Irish viewers confused as to what was going on.
Following a death in the village, Agnes organised a… memorial BBQ
Every single viewer was just like: “that’s not a thing lads”
The wetsuits were out on the beach
But the only thing people wanted to talk about was the very existence of a memorial barbecue
Pizza got delivered to the beach too
People were wondering if Ireland needs to up its PR game if this is what we’re known for
Wait until it airs on BBC later in the week and this scene will have them all thinking the beach is a crucial part of the Irish grieving process.
The setting was glorious though - with inquiries coming in as to whereabouts it was shot
With the consensus being that it was Maghermore beach in Wicklow
There were some other authenticity issues regarding the beach scene. Namely:
Where were these bad boys
And, crucially, we were missing this important character
Until next week, then – where we can surely expect even more murder, drama… and stunning beach shots.