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10 things men want women to know about sex

The much anticipated response.

LAST WEEK, THE lads got a lesson in what women wanted them to know about sex. And it was very, very informative.

Now, it’s the lads’ turn to give a little unique insight into how we are in the bedroom:

1. We think about sex a lot, but nowhere near as much as once every seven seconds

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The myth that we think about sex every seven seconds has been around for ages, but lads don’t think about sex 8228 times a day.

A study shows that it’s more like 19 times a day – a much more manageable figure.

2. We do actually care about the size of our penis, no matter what you say

Front view Gun, Cannon Saluting battery- Malta Source: elniteo

We know, we know, we know it doesn’t matter. But loads of men still think about their size and, according to one extensive survey, 45% of men would like theirs to be bigger.

This is probably the reason why those miraculous penis-lengthening emails exist in the first place.

3. When alcohol is consumed, standing to attention might be, eh, hard

It’s nobody’s fault. The little guy just won’t work sometimes.

Otherwise delightfully known as:

brewersThe perennial problemSource: Urban Dictionary

Everyone will just need to laugh this one off, if and when it happens.

4. If we're lucky enough to receive a blowjob, teeth are our greatest fear

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Nothing else matters, just avoiding any hint of accidental teeth on our sensitive area is a must for all concerned.

5. Nipples aren't really the go-to spot for us

Donato's Pizza Source: Navin75

A 2006 University study showed that women and men have verrry different responses to nipple play. 82% of women reported that it enhanced their sexual arousal but only 52% of men said the same.

6. Morningwood is pretty much a constant - but it's not even sexual


That is erection is just there when we wake up. It doesn't actually mean anything about sex, despite it really looking like it does.

7. Even when we're in a relationship, we still take care of ourselves

sorryguys Source: Imgur

It's no slight on the relationship either.

The Irish Times' sex survey this year showed that of males in a relationship, 22% masterbate every day, and 48% do so more than once a week.

8. Some lads *really* care about how tidy you are down there, and some don't care at all

Interesting bushes Source: MICOLO J Thanx 4 1.5 mill+ views

A Women's Health Magazine study in the US asked over 500 college-aged lads what they thought about the whole pubic region. 60% of those surveyed preferred a lady to have no hair at all - while the rest had different tastes or just didn't care at all.

For some guys, they really have a preference. But it's a two-way street, of course.

9. Usually touching of the balls at any stage of the process will be welcomed

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Be gentle, but don't be scared of them. Think of them as two distinguished old friends that need to be handled with love and care.

10. We will often have an overwhelming urge to fall asleep straight after, but it's natural

photo Source: Googleusercontent

Men's brains are programmed to shut down once the deed is done, according to scientists working at the coal face of orgasm studies. This isn't a slight on our excitement to cuddle you or anything else. We will usually stay awake, of course, but a few minutes to compose ourselves might be needed.

More 12 things women want men to know about sex>

More 11 facts about penises everyone should know>

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