M-Boltz performing in Beirut in 2009 (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)
RIHANNA HAS TWEETED that Michael Bolton will “forever be a legend in my eyes”.
We didn’t need Rihanna to tell us he’s a legend though. Let’s look at the evidence…
1. The Hair
(Simon Meaker/EMPICS Entertainment)
2. The strength to cut off The Hair when his hairline gave up the ghost
(RIC FELD/AP/Press Association Images)
3. He hangs around with Bill Murray and gives Kevin Costner the stink eye
(AP Photo)
There he is again with Bill Murray, and… er… Chris O’Donnell (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
4. The lyrics to How Can We Be Lovers If We Can’t Be Friends?
Such an amazing power ballad…
5. He once toured with Ozzy Osbourne
Michael Bolton and his band Blackjack toured with Ozzy Osbourne in the eighties.
Look, here they are:
6. He got engaged to the “only one out of Desperate Housewives who looks like a bit of craic”*
(*That’s a direct quote from a TheJournal.ie staffer)
7. This video