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Michael Bublé awkwardly eating corn on the cob is the latest, weirdest meme

Come on now Mickey Bubbles.

THIS PHOTO OF singer Michael Bublé eating corn on the cob in Disneyland is giving the internet much pause.

A) We thought Bublé was always put in cryogenic sleep until Christmas? What the hell is happening?

Oh, and B) Why is he eating corn like a banana, instead of from side to side?

People are so concerned about this that it’s been the top trending story on Facebook for a solid day. No one can get their heads around it.

CgFXIhoXEAA5iWZ Source: Twitter/@crunchflyersfan

The photo quickly found its way on to Reddit’s PhotoshopBattle subreddit, where it has been turned into nightmare fuel:

S0T1uFL Source: Reddit/greatminds1

dGtxR8Y Source: Reddit/lukalucasluka

gJS8ONS Source: Imgur


It’s OK though – Bublé is aware of the meme, and though he won’t admit to eating the corn wrong, he finds the whole thing pretty funny.

Yeah, fair enough Michael. Just stop the messing and take your corn seriously next time, like everybody else does.

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