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10 mildly infuriating things that can damn near ruin your day

*inhales sharply*

SOMETIMES, ALL YOU need is just one thing to send you over the edge. It doesn’t have to be a big thing. In fact, it can be a very, very small thing.

We take no responsibility for any rage-spirals this article may induce.

Seeing a spider scuttle into some unreachable place

(This is the only spider gif we could find that didn’t make us scream ‘NOOOOPE’.)

SpiderDance1JP Source: Imgur

Where and when will we see you again, eight-legged fiend?

Pouring sour milk in your tea

tumblr_mbdrjoovrX1rvs979o1_400 Source: Tumblr


Having a smudge on your glasses that cannot be unsmudged

the-lord-is-testing-me-gif-423x282 Source: CampusDiaries

I see you there, smudge. In fact, you’re all I can see.

Realising that you spat toothpaste all over yourself – after you left the house

20131110124444-toothpaste6 Source: IndieGoGo




uyPv9I1 Source: Imgur

Why. Won’t. You. PEEL.


plasticbag Source: YouTube

We’ll just leave all our groceries here. We didn’t want to bring them home anyway.

Accidentally buying a corked bottle of wine instead of a screw top

Synthetic_Cork_in_bottle Source: Wikimedia

And not a corkscrew in the house.

Slowly realising that everyone around you is coughing/sniffing

giphy Source: Giphy

Oh god. Oh Jesus. No.

Opening the fridge and smelling… something

smellyfridge Source: Flickr/frenchy

Something that will need a full-scale excavation to find.

Bianca-Del-Rio-RuPauls-Drag-Race-Not-Today-Satan-Gif Source: Wikia

You probably need to calm down after all that, so here’s a happy frog:

Not your usual aww but that little guy is adorable Source: Imgur

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