Dublin: 10 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

Miley Cyrus poses with a monkey dressed as a cowboy on her back

It’s the natural thing to do.

THERE’S NO STOPPING her now. Miley Cyrus continues to stir the pot, posting these bizarre photos of her frolicking around with a spider monkey and a furry red mascot in Vegas this week.

The controversial Wrecking Ball singer shared the photos on Twitter, as she enjoyed a twerking sesh with the monkey ‘Don’ and an unnamed kangaroo.

monkeyonback Source: Twitter/MileyCyrus

Can we all just pause for a moment to appreciate Don’s outfit.

… and who’s that behind her? Nightmares.

miley2 Source: Twitter/MileyCyrus

kangaroo Source: Twitter/MileyCyrus

Not satisfied with cute zoo animals, Mylers took to straddling a red mascot and updated her profile photo to one of them literally eating face.

profiler Source: Twitter/MileyCyrus

Fans will be delighted that she’s celebrating reaching 14 million Twitter followers by announcing that she’ll be creating a Tumblr blog to share more of the same.



miley1 Source: Twitter/MileyCyrus

Can’t. Wait.

#twerkinwithadayummonkeyonmyback might be our new favourite hashtag.

Two Irish guys react to Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking Ball video>

Hedgehog parody of Wrecking Ball is the best yet>

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