THE INTERNET IS always after new ways to drool over food – and this Australian cafe is the most popular destination today for that very goal.
Why? Well their epic milkshakes have gone insanely viral.
Look at them, they look only delicious
Source: luke2reeve/Instagram
The milkshakes are called ‘The Freakshow’ and are made by the Pastissez café in Australia’s capital Canberra. It’s only a tiny café, though, and the internet fame has seen them overrun and taking to their Facebook page to let customers know they will be in for a wait:
Guys we are really quite tragically small so we don’t take bookings. The trick is to get in early & get on the waiting list.
You can see why the queues are out the door
Source: josephine.warne/Instagram
And there is plenty of work that goes into the shakes to get them looking so scrumptious:
Each night we cook new batches of each element for each shake for the next day.
Trays of marshmallow, brownie, pecan pie, caramelised puff pastry AND THEN our chocolate fudge, creme patissiere & salted caramel
For now, all we can do is dream that somebody will be so daring as to try and replicate them in Ireland
Source: visitcanberra/Instagram
They not only look great, but they don’t hold back on size either
Source: yagmurbaltaci/Instagram
Everyone would just relish the chance to finish one off
Source: visitcanberra/Instagram
Cheesecake on top? They really do push the boundaries of milkshakes
So, the gauntlet has been thrown down to milkshake makers around the world – can you match this?
Please, try.
hat-tip Buzzfeed