WITH ALL THAT’S going on in the world, it’s nice to have a bit of good news every once in a while – and this has us welling up.
In 2005, the McCrea family from Tallaght adopted a Jack Russell puppy called Jess – sadly, two years later, she disappeared. The dog was microchipped, and the family were “confident” that she would return, but she was never found.
A year after Jess disappeared, the family gave up hope and adopted another Jack Russell, naming her Jess in honour of their lost pup.
Earlier this week, the unthinkable happened – they received a call from the DSPCA to say they had Jess in the pound.
“Of course, my father thought this was a prank call as our dog Jess was sitting beside him,” Fiona McCrea told DailyEdge.ie.
Her dad relayed the story of the strange phone call to the family, and they realised that the DSPCA could have been talking about Jess Number One.
They rang back to confirm and sure enough, it was Jess – nine years older and a little bit more street-smart, but Jess all the same.
She was returned to us as a healthy ten-year-old dog, a little dirty and tired from wandering the streets.
Fiona says Jess was a little shy after getting home from the pound, but has since showed signs of recognising her family:
In the last two days she’s beginning to come out of her shell, and being around the family a lot I think she’s starting to remember the different tones of voices and is now responding to Jess!
“You honestly couldn’t make it up,” she said. “Our family are so happy now to have two dogs called Jess.”
H/T Kelly Earley/@donlothario