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10 tweets that convey Ireland's hate/hate relationship with the Modh Coinníollach

Modh Coinníollach, Modh Problems

NO TWO WORDS strike fear into the heart of Irish secondary school students quite like “Modh Coinníollach”.

If you studied Irish in secondary school then chances are it was the bane of your life. You had reams of notes explaining what it was and when to use it. Your teacher went through it with you too many times to mention. But for some reason, your brain just couldn’t process it.

If there’s one thing that unites us all, it’s our hatred of the Modh Coinníollach.


Tweet by @The Irish For 🎧☕🚲 Source: The Irish For 🎧☕🚲/Twitter

It’s as though there’s a glitch in all Irish brains that prohibits us from learning the Modh Coinníollach.

C16X_2yWIAI1F_t Source: Aileen Donegan/Twitter

It quite literally haunts our dreams.

*thinks about Modh Coinníollach, immediately gets anxious*

Even Bernard Dunne hates it.

And you wouldn’t like Bernard Dunne when he’s angry.

It’s like our very own National Fight Club

oru Source: Shannon/Twitter

Honestly, adolescence is hard enough without this bollocks.

At least it’s inspired a rich genre of Modh Coinníollach jokes, though.

It’s good for something.

B7-rpNRCIAAUQt5 Source: Twitter

*starts sweating at mere thought of conditional tense*

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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