Dublin: 6 °C Tuesday 11 March, 2025

18 everyday moments that are guaranteed to send you into an irrational rage

Deep breaths.

1. When someone is standing too close behind you in a queue, then inch forward every time you try to give yourself space

2. When someone stops dead in front of you on the footpath and you have to do that silly sidestep to get around them

3. Having to walk behind a group leisurely strolling three-abreast, with no way to scoot around

4. Seeing someone litter mere metres from a bin

5. When you’re nearing the bus stop with a solid five minutes to go on the Real Time, then see the bus go flying past you

6. Being told to ‘please wait for assistance’ at a self-service till, yet there is no one around to assist you

7. Leaving the house without your headphones

8. When the internet is acting up and you have to go all the way downstairs to turn the router off and on, then all the way back up again to see if it worked. Repeat ad infinitum

9. Seeing someone tweet or Facebook a question they could have easily asked Google

10. Being trapped in your house waiting for a delivery that was meant to have arrived hours ago

11. When another driver cuts you off and you can do nothing but uselessly swear from your own car

12. Settling in for a train journey only for a person to whip out their phone and begin the loudest conversation ever


13. Hearing someone texting away in an otherwise quiet room, keyboard tones still on. Why

14. Forgetting the ONE CRUCIAL THING you went to the shop for

15. When you ring up customer services and it’s a good 20 minutes before you get to speak to a human being

16. When the song they have on hold is terrible and you get fresh pangs of range every time it starts again

17. When you’re mindlessly scrolling through Twitter/Facebook and see a spoiler for a new TV show you’re watching

18. And having to dodge someone cycling on the footpath. It’s called the FOOTpath for a reason, you clown

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