Dublin: 9 °C Saturday 1 March, 2025

Would you return €70k you found in a desk bought online?

This guy did.

The $98k found in the $200 desk.
The $98k found in the $200 desk.

A MAN WHO found more than $98,000 (€72,000) in a desk he bought online has returned the money to the rightful owner.

According to WTNH News that man bought the desk on Craigslist for $200.

When he was dismantling it to get it through the doorway office in New Haven Connecticut, Noah Muroff noticed a bag stuffed with cash behind one of the drawers.

He and his wife decided that they couldn’t possibly keep the money, and contacted the seller, who had hidden her inheritance in the desk and then forgotten about it.

Muroff and his wife recorded the call they made to the original owner, who was speechless when she discovered her mistake.

Source: WTNH

Be right back, we’re just off to rip our desks apart.

What about you? Would you return €70k you found hidden in a piece of furniture?

Poll Results:

No (3538)
I don't know (2921)
Yes (1335)

via Mashable

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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