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Morrissey reveals four bouts of cancer treatment

“If I die, I die”.

2011 file photo of Morrissey.
2011 file photo of Morrissey.
Image: Ben Birchall

MORRISSEY HAS REVEALED in a new interview that he’s had cancerous tissue ‘scraped’ four times.

In an article published by the Spanish newspaper El Mundo (with translation provided by fan site Morrisey-Solo.com) the singer has said that he’s undergone a number of bouts of treatment.

He goes on to say:

If I die, I die. And if not, then I don’t.

The type and location of the treatments has not been disclosed, but The Guardian notes that Morrissey has been through several periods of ill health over the past eighteen months, including a bleeding ulcer, double pneumonia and a chest infection.

Morrissey’s revelation about his medical issues came in response to a query about fan concerns over his health, hospitalisation and cancellation of gigs.

I am aware that in recent photos I look unwell, but that is what illness does. I’m not going to worry about that, I’ll rest when I’m dead.

Morrissey is currently in the middle of a European tour, and is due to play Dublin’s 3Arena on 1 December.

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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