WITH HIS INANE Partridge-isms (“Back of the net!”) and penchant for Norwich, it’s probably safe to say that there’s nobody better than Alan Partridge.
Look at him go.
There’s also nothing more satisfying than comparing something/someone to Alan Partridge.
With that in mind, here are the most Alan Partridge things to ever happen.
1. This description of “classic sex”
2. This teacher’s comment on a child’s maths homework
3. This aqua-based headline
4. This pushy deodorant
5. The time Prime Minister David Cameron apparently used the word “chaterama”
6. This Tesco tweet
7. This OTT testimonial of a reading lamp
8. This magazine
9. This scene captured by Gary Lineker
10. This description of Bangkok as “one sexy broad”
11. This burning question
12. This programme that was definitely pitched to ITV by Partridge himself
13. And this one
14. This truly mortifying attempt at being “sexy” by Michael Owen
(For the record, her response is golden.)
15. And, of course, this local business
In fairness, that’s pretty good.
(h/t to Accidental Partridge for providing the inspiration to this piece.)