Dublin: 6 °C Monday 17 March, 2025

19 of the most Bray things that ever happened

Only in Bray.

BRAY, IT’S A wonderful place.

The MOST Bray things to ever happen were…

1. When they had a swan election

originalu1 Source: James Nolan

Only in Bray.

originalo Source: The Harbour Bar Bray

2. When this massive wave was spotted on the harbour

Source: Hugh Toohy/YouTube

3. This warning sign

A swan free zone. #swanawareness Source: faceofbear

Swan discrimination, if anything.

4. This sign at the Harbour Bar

5. Mind yourself

6. This lovely lemonade stand

7. When Katie Taylor was given an Olympic amount of support

00131667 Source: Mark Stedman

No pressure, though.

00131768 Source: Sam Boal

8. This dolphin encounter

Source: Bray Adventures/YouTube

9. That time Garth Brooks played on a minibus back in 1997

Just because.

10. When a Mickey Mouse balloon was rescued from the sea


originaluuurn Source: RNLI

11. This logical pub sign

BxMH6X_IYAAFXTT Source: Susan Buckley

12. This emergency keg delivery at Brayfest

BuCURgCIEAAAyjd Source: JacKeegan

13. When U2 filmed a music video and the locals couldn’t handle it

BXNrLjVCAAADUSK Source: alexschweigert

14. When Henry Cavill aka Superman casually turned up to the Groove Festival

15. That time they just couldn’t get their grammar right

BlIBMkiIUAA8g5a Source: Laura Whelan

16. When this bin became a no go area

BSNBeHVIEAE4cJQ Source: Su Buckley

17. This sign outside Holland’s

originalbray1 Source: Christina Finn

18. This car sticker

BKqXz3qCMAE-XPI Source: Máté Marjai

19. And finally… this sign on the seaside

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