Dublin: 8 °C Tuesday 1 April, 2025

12 headlines that could only have been published in Ireland

You couldn’t make this stuff up.

WE’RE AN ISLAND of characters. So it’s no surprise that from time to time, the news reflects this.

Here are 12 headlines that could only have been published on this fair island.

1. Well, he’s hardly wrong

irishheadlines1 Source: Irish Times

2. We’re sure many would agree with this guy

i can't call you judge Source: Irish Examiner

3. Every damn year


whereshermam Source: Facebook/U Magazine

Hats off to the U Magazine sub-editor who came up with that one, TBH.

5. This Leinster Leader headline just wrote itself

6. Who’s a sexy barman? Who’s a sexy barman?

barman-2-630x430 Source: Irish Times

This Kerry barman (and “slight rogue” as his solicitor called him) actually used his looks as a defence in court.

7. This Irish Examiner headline embodies the phrase ‘careful now’

annsummersheadline-2 Source: DailyEdge.ie

8. The Dundalk Democrat has its eye on the issues

screencap5-17 Source: dundalkdemocrat.ie

9. Father Paul Stone, is that you?

dublinpriest Source: TheJournal.ie

10. OK, she’s ill, but who’s her COUSIN?

(Don’t worry, Pauline Cafferkey has fully recovered now.)

11. Ireland’s obsession with the weather, summed up.

X0U7Axk Source: Imgur

12. And then there’s this

Ted (yes, the teddy bear) visited Coppers, and confirmed he did not father the Coppers baby>

Irish people are not at all impressed with the Ryanair cheap seat sale>

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