Dublin: 5 °C Saturday 29 March, 2025

The 11 most popular DailyEdge.ie lists of 2014

Yes, a list of lists. *head explodes*

Source: See-ming Lee

HERE ARE THE lists you guys read the most on DailyEdge.ie in 2014.

What we learned, basically, is this: you love chips, you hate turning 30, and you REALLY want to know about Irish men. Yiz dirtbirds.

Thanks for reading this year! We <3 you.

Note: the ‘read’ count is a view count only. You could have just clicked in and scrolled through without looking. *sobs quietly*

11. 11 questions that only mean something in Ireland (read 107,000 times)

10. 10 things Irish men would like Irish women to know (read 112,000 times)

Source: Imgur

9. 16 bizarre sights captured by Google Earth in Ireland (read 113,000 times)

Source: Google Maps

8. What you can tell about an Irish guy by looking at his shoes (read 114,000 times)

Source: viviandnguyen_

7. 12 signs Dublin has completely lost the run of itself (read 119,000 times)

6. 19 chippers to visit in Ireland before you die (read 125,000 times)

Source: Facebook

5. 10 things Irish lads love (read 125,000 times)

Source: Leon Farrell/Photocall Ireland

4. How to tell if an Irish guy likes you (read 137,000 times)

3. 16 Irish snacks we need the world to know about (read 143,000 times)

Source: Thejournal

2. 10 things Irish girls love (read 153,000 times)

Source: Sally Hansen

1. 30 things nobody ever told you about your 30s (read 353,000 times)

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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