HERE ARE THE lists you guys read the most on in 2014.
What we learned, basically, is this: you love chips, you hate turning 30, and you REALLY want to know about Irish men. Yiz dirtbirds.
Thanks for reading this year! We <3 you.
Note: the ‘read’ count is a view count only. You could have just clicked in and scrolled through without looking. *sobs quietly*
11. 11 questions that only mean something in Ireland (read 107,000 times)
10. 10 things Irish men would like Irish women to know (read 112,000 times)
9. 16 bizarre sights captured by Google Earth in Ireland (read 113,000 times)
8. What you can tell about an Irish guy by looking at his shoes (read 114,000 times)
7. 12 signs Dublin has completely lost the run of itself (read 119,000 times)
6. 19 chippers to visit in Ireland before you die (read 125,000 times)
5. 10 things Irish lads love (read 125,000 times)
4. How to tell if an Irish guy likes you (read 137,000 times)
3. 16 Irish snacks we need the world to know about (read 143,000 times)
2. 10 things Irish girls love (read 153,000 times)
1. 30 things nobody ever told you about your 30s (read 353,000 times)