1. The sweet relief when your ears “unpop” after being on a plane
2. Taking your bra off after a long day
3. Discovering that you haven’t lost your phone and you were just panicking for nothing
4. When you go looking for a pen in your bag and you immediately find one
5. Seeing the person next to you on the train has earphones and knowing there won’t be any awkward conversation
6. When you enter a public bathroom and there’s nobody else in there
7. The rush of smugness after you successfully finish a crossword
8. Realising you’re not wearing make-up so you can rub your eyes to your heart’s content
9. Cleaning your ear with an earbud – you know what we’re talking about
10. Checking your bank balance and discovering it’s actually not as bad as you thought
11. Successfully dislodging a piece of popcorn that was stuck between your teeth