SOME PEOPLE DON’T like surprises.
And these people typically find out the sex of their babies.
So imagine the surprise when you’ve been preparing for, say, a little girl… and you give birth to a little boy. That’s exactly what happened to Australian couple Koto Nakamura and Sina Niakansafy last week.
Nakamura was giving birth to what she thought was a baby girl… but turned out to be a baby boy.
And a photographer was there to document her reaction.
Photographer Jes Jackson told Buzzfeed that the couple had found out they were having a girl at their 20-week scan, and were floored to discover they were instead having a boy.
Koto thought she had misheard and misunderstood and looked to me to ask for clarification and that was when I snapped the photo.
Fortunately the surprise was quickly followed by relief.
And mother and baby are both doing well.