Dublin: 5 °C Wednesday 19 March, 2025

11 reasons why you've no excuse not to ring your mam today

We’ll give you a nudge in the right direction.

HOW MANY OF you saw something on the internet today about Mother’s Day and had a mini conniption?

Never fear, we already celebrated Mothering Sunday in Ireland back in March and it’s American’s turn today. We’re sure you did your best with the cards and flowers and emptying of dishwashers.

Even though it’s not a special day here today, that’s no excuse not to give your mam a call, a hug or a hand. Sure she’s worth it.

Here are a few little nuggets to help you along:

These policeman photographed at 4am this morning

It's 4am. This is what I find in Walmart. - Imgur Source: Imgur

These accurate questions


This card

awww-3-630x472 Source: Aisling Doyle

This mammy’s reaction to a surprise visit home

Source: Ian Finn/YouTube

And this one

Source: DailyEdge.ie/YouTube

Your mam’s unwavering devotion to you



Your mam’s unwavering devotion to the water tank


This mother with her sons

Me, my brothers, and mom on Mother's Day. She said she was tired of our inside jokes and laughter on her special day. - Imgur Source: Imgur

This text from an Irish mammy


bren Source: Brendan O'Loughlin

This GIF of Jennifer Lawrence looking for her mam

Since it's Mother's Day, I'll repost my favorite gif one last time. - Imgur Source: Imgur

And this heartbreaking Rugrats strip

:'( - Imgur Source: Imgur

What are you waiting for? Give her a ring!

9 things only an Irish mammy can teach you>

6 things an Irish mammy will always whisper>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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