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6 stars you'd be surprised got their start 20 years ago

You’ll feel a bit old reading this.

TWENTY YEARS IS  a long time and in Hollywood it’s even longer.

So it’s interesting to see who made their film debut 20 years ago and just how they got going.

We’ve gone back in time and found some stars who got their start in 1993.

1. Vince Vaughn

Shockingly Tactful / Tumblr

Before the 90s hit Swingers and his comedy roles in the likes of Old School and Wedding Crashers, Vince Vaughn had a small part ( his first film role) in American football flick Rudy.

He was credited as Vincent Vaughn (fancy) and also got to work with budding actor Jon Favreau in his debut role.

The pair became close friends, working together on Swingers, both of them becoming highly successful (Favreau is a big name director having helmed the first two Iron Man movies)

Not bad for a first film role we suppose.

(Some NSFW language in the clip below)

movieclips / YouTube

2. Jennifer Aniston

Cinemastatic / Tumblr

Of course it was Friends that turned Jennifer Aniston into a global superstar but like her future ex-boyfriend Vince Vaughn, she made her film debut in 1993.

Jennifer turned up in the horror movie Leprechaun which clearly was a critically acclaimed look at Irish myths.

Just kidding, it was a trashfest about a killer leprechaun terrorising people for his gold coins.

The film was panned but became a cult hit and lead to five (!) more Leprechaun movies.

This is a proud moment for both Ireland’s culturual legacy and Jennifer Aniston’s career.

LionsgateUKMovies / YouTube

3.  Matthew McConaughey

Laugh A Little / Tumblr

He’s now a bankable star who has starred in more than a few rom-coms and appeared in quirky roles in films like Magic Mike.

Unlike some of his peers McConaughey’s first film role wasn’t particularly embarrassing as he turned up in Richard Linklater’s cult classic Dazed and Confused.

The 70s set comedy wasn’t a box office smash but is a favourite of critics and Quentin Tarantino even cited it as one of his favourite films.

Mind you, we’re not sure about his blonde locks and moustache throughout.

(some NSFW language in the clip below)

movieclips / YouTube

4.  Anna Paquin

Lois Bernstein/AP/Press Association Images

Another star who got a very respectable 1993 start was Anna Paquin, who starred in The Piano and won an Oscar at the age of 11.

Paquin continues to do well, having starred in three X-Men movies (and will appear in the next film, due for release next year) and also stars in the hit drama series True Blood.

Still of the class of 1993, Paquin tops the lot with that Oscar win.

We’ve heard of starting out strong but that is ridiculous.

MrDmtlsd / YouTube

5. Kate Beckinsale

Doug Peters/EMPICS Entertainment

Another star who started out classy was Kate Beckinsale who chose Much Ado About Nothing as her first film role.

A Shakespeare adaptation is always a way to prove your acting chops and it served Beckinsale well for a strong career in film and TV.

Of course, Beckinsale’s biggest success is still leaping around the place in a leather catsuit in the Underworld movies which is not quite Shakespeare but whatever pays the bills we suppose.

gabtor70 / YouTube

6. Alicia Silverstone

She was very much the quintessential 90s teen star and at just 15, Alicia Silverstone made her movie debut in 1993.

She was the troubled lead in the The Crush which we haven’t seen but looks amazing in a “so bad it is actually amazing way”

cdsabino / YouTube

The Crush wasn’t a huge hit (although it did win 2 MTV Movie Awards) but it did win her roles in three Aerosmith videos which along with Clueless turned her into a pin-up for a generation.

What a gal.

Slowly Taking Over Me / Tumblr

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