THE NEWS THAT probably everyone in the world is now aware of is that America has a new President.
And it’s Donald Trump.
Not much is known about what the Trump Presidency will *really* look like yet, but there’s been an interesting offshoot already:
A rake of Americans saying that that they’re going to move here
And it seems to go deeper than just empty Twitter statements as well.
As radio station 98FM spotted, the search terms for Americans Googling about moving here has shot up in the last few hours:
Here’s the last seven day’s searches for “moving to Ireland”
There have been 527 Google searches on this term alone in the last ten hours – hence the massive spike.
And the increase in searches tend to be happening on the east and west coasts – where Hillary Clinton picked up the majority of her votes
We’ve had some celebrities declaring that they own Irish passports
And, generally, Ireland seems like a decent spot right about now
They’re probably not coming for the glorious scenery, in fairness
They’ve been spotted on the telly talking about it
Panic moving to Ireland is a real thing apparently
But think of the poor crayturs in the Irish passport office later today
All sound Americans would surely be welcome here any time.