IT’S KINDA WEIRD to think that Mrs Doubtfire is only 25 years old. It’s a classic that feels like its been around forever.
The film originally premiered in November 1993, and has captured the hearts of each generation since.
Yesterday, to mark the occasion, the old cast were reunited on the Today Show and it brought out every single emotion of 90s kids.
Pierce Brosnan was of course there, to represent his character Stu
He’s aged like a fine wine.
As was Matthew Lawrence, who played Chris
Mara Wilson, who played little Natalie
And Lisa Jakub, who played Lydia
Of course, we are missing the man himself, Robin Williams
Robin died by suicide back in August 2014, and is still remembered warmly by his castmates.
Of course, discussion soon turned to him.
Mara Wilson said they’d have to do loads of takes to overcome the hilarity of Williams’ ad libs.
Pierce said the most memorable was the scene in the restaurant when it came to do his close up. Pierce said that Robin just “unleashed the craziest innuendos about Sally’s character”, during Brosnan’s close ups of course.
You can watch the whole extended interview here, and be sure to add the movie to your Christmas holiday list.