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A mum has fired back after this photo of her Christmas tree was mocked on Facebook

Emma Tapping was called “disgusting” for buying lots of presents for her three children.

A BRITISH MUM is firing back after a ‘disgusting’ picture of her Christmas tree overflowing with presents went viral on Facebook.

Last week, Emma Tapping shared the photo on her Instagram account, which had just under 260 followers at the time.

christmaspresents Source: Instagram.com/thebossmum27

A few days later, she was tagged in a photo on Facebook – it was the picture of her tree, reposted on a ‘Take the piss funny pics nvids’ page.

takingthepiss Source: Facebook/Take the piss

It’s been shared over 100,000 times with this message:

It’s nearly time for all the materialistic parents to compete and broadcast how many presents their kids have. Just remember there are a lot of children who won’t get much.

Other parents began to share the photo, calling Tapping’s kids “spoiled brats” and condemning her for not teaching her kids “to appreciate what they have and help others”.

Some people sided with Tapping, saying that it’s “no one else’s business how you spend your money”.

With criticism mounting, Tapping decided to defend her tree and the presents on her own Facebook page:

This picture was put on my Instagram along with pictures of homemade decorations I had made with the kids. It was taken, screenshot and blasted all over Facebook without my knowledge. It was not done as a ‘bragging parent’… The presents under the tree are for my children, myself, my partner and my mother, not just the kids.

“Please try and remember this is about three little children, their Christmas, their tree,” she wrote.

Tapping told BuzzFeed that she’s not going to let the criticism ruin her children’s Christmas:

…I shop savvy to give my kids a good Christmas. I would happily help anyone find the bargains or give tips on how I save. I think how I spend my money on my children is my choice.

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