MARIEKE VOORSLUIJS has a son who is just about to hit puberty, and he’s understandably not as fond of hugging her as he used to be.
The Dutch mother wrote on Bored Panda:
We used to cuddle all the time, but those days are becoming scarce. Now he [would] rather hang with friends, play [with] his phone, or listen to his iPod. Exactly according to nature’s plan.
So being a fan of knitting ‘unknittable’ objects, Marieke decided to make a cuddly, life-sized version of her son.
The doll took her about two months to make – and her son actually helped her create it, along with his grandmother.
“We had great fun making it,” Marieke wrote.
And during the process I was able to cuddle him without him even knowing it.
Every other mother: Sit down. This woman has pulled the ultimate Mam Move.