LAST NIGHT, THE lovely Laura Whitmore held a massive 80s-themed bash for her 30th birthday.
All the usuals were there – Niall ‘Mullingar Massive’ Horan, Eoghan McDermott, Daisy Lowe and, er, Kelly from the Stereophonics. Laura herself went as Desperately Seeking Susan-era Madonna:
Source: thewhitmore/Instagram
They all had good costumes, sure, but none of them topped this extremely clever take on the theme.
Source: thewhitmore/Instagram
Yes, fans of the Irish Popstars will recognise that this guy is dressed up as Nadine Coyle’s mysteriously missing passport, featuring her real date of birth: 1985.
A seminal moment in Irish television.
Bagsy this for our 2015 Halloween costume. Who wants to be our Linda Martin?