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Natalie Dormer smuggles King Crisps out of Dublin... It's the Dredge

All of the celeb FILTH.

EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt from the top to the very bottom.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2 UK Premiere - London Source: PA Wire/Daniel Leal-Olivas

Natalie Dormer (her off Game of Thrones) has admitted that she smuggles King Crisps and Lyons tea home from Ireland. Atta girl.

Dormer has lots of connections to Ireland – both The Tudors and Game of Thrones were shot here, and her boyfriend is Irish director Anthony Byrne. She told the Irish Times that they regularly get supplies shipped over:

Soda bread blew my mind. We still get Lyons tea bags shipped back home. And King Crisps. I am the one carrying King Crisps and Lyons tea when leaving Dublin.

Disney awards Steps Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

H from Steps and Jessica from Liberty X (remember them?) revealed that artists were expected to pay for their Brit Awards back in their day. The cheek!

Liberty X  Fox Kids Planet Live Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

H tweeted last night that the group was asked to cough up £500 EACH for their statuettes:

The price was upped substantially by 2003, when Liberty X won Best British Single.

There’s no indication that winners are still required to pay for their awards, but consider our bubble burst. And we thought being a celeb was all glamour and freebies…

The creme de la creme of Irish film talent partied together in Los Angeles last night to celebrate Ireland’s banner year at the Oscars. Chris O’Dowd, Colin Farrell, and the luminous Fionnuala Flanagan cuddled in for a pic:

While Oscar nominated directors Lenny Abrahamson and Benjamin Cleary (of the short film Stutterer) had a chat:

Best of luck to Lenny, Benjamin and co on Sunday night!

And the rest of the day’s celebrity dirt…

  • Lorde’s tribute to David Bowie was the highlight of the Brit Awards. (DailyEdge,ie)
  • And Queen Adele, obviously. (DailyEdge.ie)
  • Sarah Michelle Gellar has signed up for the Cruel Intentions TV series. (ONTD)
  • North West stole Kim Kardashian’s contouring palette, and she did a grand job of it? (Vogue)
  • This pic of Lady Gaga and Kesha though <3

Yesterday’s Dredge: Is Jennifer Lawrence ‘secretly dating’ Aziz Ansari?>

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