WITH THE DUBLIN Web Summit kicking off today, the city will be inundated with nerds.
What’s new?
Here are some alternative nerd things to do out and about.
1. Catch a Sci-Fi movie in the IFI
The Irish Film Institute is a hive of activity for film nerds. The surroundings are perfect for enjoying some classic or current movies, often holding Sci-Fi, horror and foreign film festivals. Free events and workshops, are also on offer and any film geek worth their salt will spend hours browsing the bookshop.
2. Visit an exhibition at the Science gallery
There’s never a dull moment in the Dublin Science Gallery, and it’s the dream surroundings for any science or tech geeks among us. Their most recent exhibition, Secret, took a look at internet surveillance, including a book in which you can look up your leaked LinkedIn password, and find out their net worth based on the name on their debit card.
Deliciously nerdy.
The meet ups, exhibitions and discussions are constant and there’s definitely something for every interest–see what’s happening here.
3. Kick some stranger’s arse on the Playstation
OK, so you might have to actually have some knowledge about what you’ll be doing, but Xtreme Gaming Centre on Liffey Street caters to the most hardcore of gamers. They have basically every console and game you could possibly want, and often throw competitions and gaming parties.
4. Take a lightsaber combat class in East Wall
Yes, lightsaber fighting is a thing, and there are classes right under your nose. The Ludosport Lightsaber Combat Academy hides out in East Wall and you can take an hour long class for just €12.
5. Head to a convention
Between Dublin Comic Con, the Invasion Star Wars convention, and next weekend’s anime convention Eirtakon in the Croke Park Convention center–Dublin’s convention scene is buzzing.
6. Browse the comic book shops
Head to Sub City on Dame Street, Forbidden Planet on Crampton Quay, or Dublin City Comics on Bolton Street.
Just bring a lot of cash.
7. Gamersworld
We’re getting in deep nerd territory now. Gamers World on Jervis Street is a treasure trove of nerdy activity, and proud of it. You can take part in gaming tournaments or just browse their extensive stock of cards and models. If you’re a beginner, don’t fret, these lads and lasses are super friendly.
8. Go model car racing in Naul
Not as geeky as the others, but when you consider they’re putting on a Star Wars themed Astro Wars, the Dublin Model Car Club is a little more than slightly nerdy. EXCELLENT fun, though.