SO WE’VE ALREADY established that there are some things you are never to old for.
Laughing at ‘Muff, Co Donegal’ or building a cushion fort are high on the list, as is watching cartoons.
We, with the help of some readers have now put together a comprehensive list.
You will never ever be too old to:
1. Kick through a massive pile of leaves
(Only now that you’re a grown up you might have to rake them up again)
2. Play with Lego
3. Build a cushion fort
Lorena Cupcake/Flickr/Creative Commons
4. Laugh at farts
5. Play the Amstrad vs Commadore 64 war
Les Pounder/Flickr/Creative Commons
6. Wear a onesie
7. Avoid the cracks
From reader Eileen McKenna:
Walking all round tesco without stepping on a join in the tiles! Do it with the carpet tiles in the office too. I’m 53.
8. Lick the spoon
9. Read Mallory Towers/Hardy Boys
10. Say “When I grow up I want to be…”
When I grow up I want to be… Commander Hadfield of course (@Cmdr_Hadfield)
11. Pretend the floor is lava
12. Have a Disney/Pixar collection
13. Roll down a hill
From reader Tokidoll:
Rolling down a hill and thinking you’ve gone miles down in a straight line but when you stop you realise you’ve only gone about 12 feet diagonally. You may also find yourself covered in grass.
14. Use eeny meeny miney mo to decide on something
Languid4/Flickr/Creative Commons
15. Ditto rock paper scissors
AP Photo/Alexander F. Yuan
16. Play in a box
DNAMichaud/Flickr/Creative Commons
17. Slide down the stairs in a sleeping bag
From reader Joe Dangermouse:
Going down the stairs head first in sleeping bags, good times.
While Paddy Murphy took it a bit further:
Sending your younger sister down the stairs – In a suitcase.
18. Have last night’s stamp on your hand
19. Sliding on the floor in socks
From reader Sam Rhodes
Things I’ve never grown out of: counting on my fingers and checking the wardrobe for monsters. Oh and I still ‘ski’ my wooden floors in my socks too. I’m 40.
20. Watch cartoons
21. Give yourself a bad fright
Watch the Blair Witch Project at night with the curtains open. Go on.
22. Give someone else a bad fright
23. Have a go in a wheelbarrow
From reader Jose:
Came home from work one day last year to find the two daughters giving each other rides around the house in the wheelbarrow, they are both in their 20s.
24. Yearn for Sylvanian Families
25. Play your NES/SNES/Sega Megadrive/Gameboy etc
Tetrsdtx/Flcikr/Creative Commons
26. Frubes, Dan Bars, Dip Dabs Wham bars and Mr. Freezes
27. Colour in
28. Read Roald Dahl
29. Riding your bike down a hill
From reader Curry Chips:
Going down a hill really fast on your bike, especially when you take your feet off the pedals and it feels like you’re flying. Can’t beat it :)